“A Bouquet of Love” – Original Art Work


“A Bouquet of Love” is an original, hand-painted art work to express your love to your dearest. The perfect gift for Mother’s Day or Birthday

47 in stock


“A Bouquet of Love” is an original hand-painted art work to express your love to the dearest people in your life. The calligraphy is written by hand and says “If I know what love is, it is because of you. “A Bouquet of Love” is especially painted for you when you order and there are limited numbers of this piece. Each original art work of the hand painted bouquet will have slight variations in colours and tones. It is painted in watercolour on a thick, watercolour paper. It is 8″ x 10″ and is unframed*.  A perfect gift for Mother’s Day or a birthday.

If you would like a customised poem or illustration of your choice please get in touch for a quote here

Please allow 4-5 days to complete your order. Product ships securely in a flat pack and is unframed.

“A Bouquet of Love” – Original Art Work

Additional information

Dimensions 25 × 20 cm