Wedding Vows – Tips and Tricks

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Of all the things about your wedding, the vows you make are the most intimate and meaningful part of the day. They are the absolute heart and soul of your wedding and the public declaration of your commitment. Sometimes during wedding planning, they get pushed down the to-do list in favour of more practical and fun things such as booking the venue or choosing the perfect shoes! 

Here are some tips to make it easier for you to prepare your vows;

  1. Firstly, choose whether to write your own wedding vows or go with time honoured traditional vows. If you have difficulty putting your feelings into words, it may be better to choose traditional vows. You can adjust these to suit you and your partner (you don’t have to obey!) and your celebrant can help you fine tune your ideas. They will also advise you on what is legally required for your vows.
  2. Agree with your partner on the tone of your wedding vows. Choose words that reflect who you are as a couple. They could be completely serious, utterly romantic or filled with humour.
  3. When looking for inspiration, a good place to start is to think about what makes your relationship so unique, why you fell in love with your partner and what dreams you have for your future together. Tell a story about how you met, write down something special about your partner, or what makes you a great team. Not everyone is creative so you can find words from books, movies, or poems. It’s a lovely idea to include a quote but choose one that resonates with you and your partner. Many have written about love but some quotes can make you totally squirm if you’re not the soppy type!
  4. If as a couple you do choose to write your own vows, decide if you’re going to write them together or surprise each other on the day. You should also decide on the length of your vows so that they match your partner’s vows and fit your ceremony timing. Some people are more confident about speaking in front of other people and can talk for longer, while public speaking terrifies others! You may want to make your vows super sweet and short in this case.
  5. Set a deadline plenty of time before the wedding to complete writing your vows. That way you will have time to check in with your officiant, edit your words and practice saying them out loud. You’ll feel much more confident on the day if you do! You don’t have to totally memorise your vows either. Write them down and read them out from a beautiful vow book. And absolutely, do not read them from your phone. The glow from the phone will not look good in photos!
  6. Remember to include your actual promises. They could be a general promise to always love, respect and support your partner. Or more specific such as a promise to always run out and get chocolate and wine when needed!
  7. And finally, say ‘I love you” in your vows. These three simple words are the very core of your marriage.

On the big day

On the day, although you may feel nervous about reading your vows, try to calm yourself by breathing and looking at your partner. Everyone at your wedding is there to support you and celebrate with you so enjoy the moment, smile, and enjoy the moment.

I hope you enjoyed reading my Wedding Vows- Tips and Tricks. If you would like to read your vows from a beautiful vow booklet that you can keep as a keepsake afterwards, check our our range of vow booklets